! Until the next 22 November will be able to try our proposal for the

¡ ! Hasta el próximo 22 de noviembre podréis probar nuestra propuesta para la @burgershowdown.es para enfrentarnos al actual campeón como es @kiwiburgerbar Vamos con todo con nuestra : 375 gr de carne madurada (3x125gr) Cheddar Bacon crujiente Cebolla caramelizada con bacon ahumado Salsa de queso cheddar Potato roll Podéis conseguir las dos pedazo de burgers por 19,95€ comprándolos por la web #Kchopo #kchopoelprat #elprat #elpratdellobregat #burgershowdown #barcelonaburgershowdown
! Until the next 22 November will be able to try our proposal for the @burgershowdown.es to confront us to the current champion as it is @kiwiburgerbar Go with everything with ours : 375 gr of flesh matured (3x125gr) Cheddar Bacon crispy Onion caramelizada with bacon ahumado Sauce of cheese cheddar Potato roll Can achieve the two piece of burgers by €19,95 buying them by the web #Kchopo #kchopoelprat #elprat #elpratdellobregat #burgershowdown #barcelonaburgershowdown
! Until the next 22 November will be able to try our proposal for the @burgershowdown.es to confront us to the current champion as it is @kiwiburgerbar Go with everything with ours : 375 gr of flesh matured (3x125gr) Cheddar Bacon crispy Onion caramelizada with bacon ahumado Sauce of cheese cheddar Potato roll Can achieve the two piece of burgers by €19,95 buying them by the web #Kchopo #kchopoelprat #elprat #elpratdellobregat #burgershowdown #barcelonaburgershowdown
acolor.es - Diseño de paginas webbuscaprat.com - Guia comercial de el prat

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